Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Angelina Jolie: Not Maleficent at Home

  It’s no secret that tabloids love to target Angelina Jolie, and the latest rumors are more ridiculous than ever.

Angelina Jolie

  Per a National Enquirer story, the “Changeling” chick is supposedly staying in her “Maleficent” character when she goes home from the set, and that’s “scaring the wits out of her kids.”

  One supposed insider allegedly told the rag, “On the film set in London, she wears terrifying makeup and huge horns, which is a frightening prospect for anyone. But she’s also been taking her ‘Maleficent’ role home to the rental mansion where she and Brad Pitt are staying with their brood.”

  “When she first showed up wearing a long gown and reciting her lines like her super-nasty character, they thought it was funny. But now it’s just creeping them out!” the source added.

  Of course, the whole story is completely bogus, with a friend of the family stating that Jolie is doing just fine leaving work at work, and would never do such a thing to hurt her beloved brood.

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