Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie set to attend Diamond Jubliee Tea Party

  Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie have set up home in the UK as they film back to back projects in the country and are said to be very excited about the upcoming Diamond Jubilee celebrations that will sweep the country this weekend and are looking forward to joining in with the locals for a very British party.

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie

Jolie-Pitt Family

  Currently the famous family are based in Richmond, London and have done some research as to what exactly is happening in their area and may well be paying a visit to a street party of two.

  "Brad and Angelina love England and have been made to feel very welcome in Richmond. They want to fully embrace the Jubilee celebrations. The kids are very excited," a source told Grazia Magazine.

  The couple have reportedly bought tickets for a tea party being held near their home which is promising traditional British games like tug-of-war, cricket and a cake baking contest.

  "Brad and Angelina are aware of the celebrations. They have had information sent to them and have shown an interest," an insider revealed.

  News from the Internet.Thank you for your reading .

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