Thursday, June 7, 2012

Happy 37th Birthday Angelina Jolie!

  Kicking off the week with a very special occasion, Angelina Jolie is celebrating her 37th birthday today on June 4.

Angelina Jolie

  The “Mr. and Mrs. Smith” starlet is one of the most high-profile mommies in Tinseltown as well as the soon-to-be-bride of none other than Brad Pitt.

  And in addition to her impressive resume of movie roles, Angelina knocked it out of the park with her recent directorial debut “In the Land of Blood and Honey.”

  Coming up, Ms. Jolie will star as the wicked fairy in “Maleficent,” a recreation of the Disney classic film “Sleeping Beauty.”

  Add in her role as a United Nations Goodwill Ambassador, and all of her humanitarian efforts, and Angelina Jolie’s life is both blessed and busy!

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